Ayurvedic Gynecology

  1. Personalized Ayurvedic Gynecological Care

    • Tailored gynecological health regimens designed to address specific women’s health concerns and promote overall well-being.
    • Dr. Nayana conducts personalized assessments to understand each woman’s unique constitution, menstrual patterns, reproductive health, and hormonal balance.
    • Customized herbal formulations, dietary recommendations, and lifestyle modifications are prescribed to support gynecological health, alleviate symptoms, and restore hormonal balance.
  2. Natural Remedies for Women’s Health

    • Herbal-based remedies sourced from Ayurvedic traditions, specifically formulated to address women’s health issues.
    • Dr. Nayana utilizes natural, plant-based ingredients known for their hormonal balancing, menstrual regulating, and reproductive supporting properties, such as Shatavari, Ashoka, and Lodhra.
    • Herbal remedies offer gentle and effective support for women’s health concerns, without the side effects commonly associated with synthetic medications.
  3. Holistic Approach to Gynecological Wellness

    • Comprehensive gynecological health guidance integrating Ayurvedic principles of holistic well-being.
    • Dr. Nayana provides dietary advice, stress management techniques, and supportive therapies to address the root causes of gynecological imbalances and promote overall vitality and harmony.
    • Holistic gynecological care emphasizes not only symptom management but also the restoration of women’s natural rhythms, hormonal balance, and reproductive health, fostering a balanced mind-body connection.